What Can I eat? {Ketogenic Foods Part 2}
What can I eat on Keto (Continued)?
As I mentioned in the last installment, I get a lot of questions about what is ‘allowed’ on a Ketogenic whole foods diet so I wanted to clear up some misconceptions and tell you what works for me and thousands of my clients! This post is going to address the next phase.
*AGAIN, Please note, Keto With Courtney Ketogenic eating is slightly different than other more standard "traditional" ketogenic plans and particularly focuses on reduction of belly fat, and increase of the hormone leptin. My ketogenic eating style also focuses on approaching keto from a reasonable and long-term focus and therefore allows for some foods in certain phases that others may deem not ideal for them-and shuns certain foods that other ketogenic eating plans say are "ok."
Today I’m going to detail the second phase, or PHASE TWO!
Phase TWO- Fat Adaptation - Remaining Fat Adapted
What is Fat Adaptation (keto Adaptation)?
Fat adaptation is when your metabolism moves from relying mostly on glucose for fuel to relying on fats to fuel your body. Your body also starts to produce enough KETONES that it relies on those as fuel as well. Not only is the body burning the fat we eat, but that its burning the fat we have stored in our bodies for energy too-this is called glycogenesis. This in turn causes a sustained period of body fat loss!
Once you are Fat Adapted, your cravings for sugar and carbs are all but eliminated!
How long until I move to "stage 2"?
Well that depends on the person and their body. For help with coming up with a custom nutrition and meal plan contact me and get started!
So, what can you eat once you are fat adapted?

Small amounts of Berries are approved once you are fat adapted. Berries are very low in carbohydrates and sugar. Some examples are below.
Ketogenic Baked Goods (homemade)

Also eaten as a treat and not all the time as these things, though made with keto ingredients still contain carbohydrates.
Keto Bisquits/rolls (check out my delicious recipe for rustic rolls in my Holiday Cookbook)
Pizza Dough
Pie Crust
Cheesecake (I love this recipe I developed)
*NOTE: Staying grain free is ALWAYS recommended. Enjoying those keto treats on OCCASION is great but not only do they contain carbs, they tend to be calorically dense which is why I repeat, only on occasion guys!!!
Guys this may seem like common sense but I have to say it. Drink your water! You need to get in at least 60 oz a day (more please if possible, I know it can be hard especially for my fellow WLS folks). This means any non caloric, unsweetened (or sweetened with approved sweetener), Decaffienated clear liquids.
On Keto we also need to make sure we are eating enough salt. I know this may seem counter-intuitive to what you have learned, but we need salt in our diets!
Why? Salt helps to balance out our electrolytes and salt absorbs water. Keto is natural diuretic SO added salt helps you retain more of the water you're drinking so you stay hydrated and keep your cells and brain and body hydrated and happy! And, BONUS, it makes our food taste yummy!
What other questions do you have about Keto (my style of keto!)? Comment below!