KETO 101

Welcome to Keto with Courtney “KETO 101” Learning Resource Page!
My goal with this section of my website is to give you the lowdown on the basics of the approach to the ketogenic diet and lifestyle that has helped me and hundreds of my clients achieve their weight loss (and maintenance) goals!
Here are some FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about the basics of the Ketogenic diet:
Define Ketogenic Diet.
The “original” Ketogenic diet is a High Fat, Moderate Protien, and Low Carbohydrate diet that began in medicine to help control epilepsy and other disorders- primarily in children.
Nutritional Ketogenic Diets all share one common factor: they are low in dietary carbohydrates. However, the approach taken with protein and fat macros varies based on the dieter. My personal and professional approach to a NUTRTIONAL Ketogenic diet is one that is founded in adequate protein, moderate fat consumption and low carbohydrates. I do NOT recommend or personally practice a “high-fat” version of the Ketogenic diet in regards to weight loss.
The Nutritinal Ketogenic diet has been found to help curb hunger and cravings, help people lose weight, brighten skin, increase energy etc.
Basically, the Ketogenic Diet works because when we eat Carbohydrates our body produces Insulin and Glucose. Since Glucose is the easiest for our bodies to process, its chosen over other things for energy.
When we lower the intake of Carbs significantly our bodies must choose fats to give us energy- either our own stored body fat, our dietary fat, or a combo of the two. We then go into a state called Ketosis. By maintaining ketosis, our body starts burning ketones and fat for energy.
What is your Ketogenic Philosophy?
Keto is NOT one size fits all! It is highly effective if done correctly but the online calculators aren’t taking many factors into account. The “Keto With Courtney” style of keto takes into account body type, gender, metabolism, hormones, health history, body composition and so much more.
The other thing you should be aware of is satiety. I encourage my clients to less focus on perfection of eating until you’ve ‘met your macros’, and more focus on getting comfortable with natural hunger and fullness cues and learning to make balanced (whole food based) Ketogenic meal and snack choices.
In my person and professional experience- obsession with weighing and measuring every little thing you consume and counting every gram you put into your mouth leads to burnout and exhaustion- fast!
This, in all honesty, will set most up for failure! I’ve seen this time and again: You have a day where you exceed your macros, or points or whatever item you are tracking on your “diet” and because of that you say “F it all! I’ll just binge!”. This is a sabotage!
The lesson here is do some basic and general tracking in the beginning if you must. Eat until satisfied. Eat when you are hungry and don’t when you are not! It all balances out. This is how naturally thin people eat!
What are Macros?
If you do research on Keto you will find online Macro calculators that are a boiled down and generic way of basically computing how many fats, proteins and carbs you should intake daily based on one or two factors. However, the fact is, IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE!
Keto is really an individual thing and there are MANY factors to consider when developing macros including Bariatric Surgery, Body Type, Age, Weight, Metabolic Sensitivity, and more!
The online calculators are not accurate as we are each unique!
If you want to skip the heavy duty study it takes to get your accurate macros, I can help!
How long will it take me to get into Ketosis?
It can take your body anywhere from 2-7 days to get into Ketosis. This is why this is not something you want to go on and off of on a whim! Make a commitment to stick to a keto way of eating for at least 90 days to see the most benefits before adding back carbs or ‘cheating’.
A “cheat” is really a step backwards during this time because you will have to get yourself back into ketosis again, which is not an easy process and can lead to keto flu. If you need help to get into ketosis easily, I can help!
What is “Keto Flu”?
In Layman’s terms, once your body starts to go into ketosis, you will start to feel a little crappy for possibly up to 5 days. You may have low energy, feel sluggish, tired, and sick. This is because your body is detoxing and starting to change the way it uses and converts the fuel you are giving it. Fight through and don’t give in to any cravings for sweets. Drink lots of water/fluids. Make sure you are getting enough salt and magnesium. (some people drink pickle juice or make pickle juice popsicles!). You will get through it and once you do, you will feel even more clear headed, energetic and all around great!
What are sweeteners are allowed on this WOE (Way of eating)?
Please get rid of all the sugar and artificial sweeteners! We only approve of the use of naturally occurring sweeteners like Stevia, Ethryitol, and Xylitol. (no Splenda (sucralose), Equal, Sweet & Low etc.) Brand names of the approved sweeteners include SWERVE, Sweet Leaf, Truvia. I also love the Trim Healthy Mama Gentle Sweet and Super Sweet. Please be sure to read ingredients even on the approved sweeteners. Some have added ingredients and even added sugar in the baking blends...which is a NO NO! (more info on approved sweeteners here)
Can I have coffee?
I drink coffee daily! My brand of ‘fat burning coffee’ which has heavy cream, mct oil and genepro! But you can have oh so many things in your coffee! Half and Half and Heavy cream are both acceptable. Up to 2 tbls of Half and Half or less than 1 tbls of Heavy Cream. And of course any of the approved sweeteners (listed above) and extracts galore! (be sure your extracts do not contain artificial sweeteners). Ex. Coffee with HC and pumpkin spice extract and a little pumpkin spice powder with a packet of stevia!
What other drinks do you approve of?
I drink Smart Water every day because it is ultra softened with added electrolytes so it is easier on my tummy. But you can have Water, Coffee, Tea, Bai drinks (which are sweetened with ethrytol), Smart Water, Infused water using lemons or berries; Lots of great options!
In shakes I love using unsweetened cashew milk!
Stay away from sodas (even diet), anything sweetened with artificial sweeteners, low fat or fat free milk.
What kind of workouts do you recommend on this diet?
On Keto, or any way of eating, I wholeheartedly recommend Fasted Cardio (I do it in the morning on an empty stomach) and lifting heavy weights. This won’t make you ‘big’ I promise!
Need some more guidance on exercise? I can help!